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Letters of Support

Tue, January, 2nd, 2024

Families USA and ten undersigned organizations submitted comments to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services on their proposed rule regarding Federal Independent Dispute Resolution Operations. The undersigned organizations support these proposals to provide clarity within the IDR process and maintain the No Surprises Act's intended purpose of protecting patients from surprise medical bills.

Wed, October, 4th, 2023

Thirteen leading organizations representing consumers, patients and workers, sent the attached letter to President Biden, supporting his administration's work to successfully implement the No Surprises Act of 2020. The letter notes that the law has prevented about a million cases a month of surprise medical billing from reaching consumers, but that corporate entities and some providers are attempting to undermine the law.

Wed, December, 14th, 2022

Nearly 60 organizations representing patients, consumers, workers, and employers came together to send this a letter to the Biden Administration emphasizing the need to stand firmly with patients and consumers in future rulemaking and implementation of the No Surprises Act.

Tue, June, 28th, 2022

Today, 68 organizations representing patients, consumers, unions, and employers sent this letter to the Biden Administration, urging them to stand firm in defending the No Surprises Act. The No Surprises Act is a notable example of broad, bipartisan health care reform legislation.

Mon, April, 11th, 2022

Families USA and nearly 70 other organizations representing consumers, patients, workers, and employers sent the attached letter to the Biden administration expressing concern about recent lawsuits that seek to weaken the landmark No Surprises Act.

Mon, December, 6th, 2021

Today, Families USA Action led 25 organizations in submitting comments to the administration on the most recent rulemaking that will implement the landmark No Surprises Act. The letter was signed by national, state, and regional organizations representing patients and consumers who have been plagued by the uncertainty and financial burden of surprise medical bills.

Wed, November, 17th, 2021

On November 16, over 60 organizations representing consumers, employers, and working people sent a letter thanking the Biden Administration for their ongoing efforts to protect patients from surprise bills, and supporting the recent regulations to implement the bipartisan No Surprises Act.

Mon, October, 25th, 2021

This week, Families USA Action, AFL-CIO, and U.S. PIRG sent the attached letter to the secretaries of Health, Labor, and Treasury, praising the administration for faithfully implementing the bipartisan No Surprises Act with rulemaking that both protects patients from the out-of-pocket costs of egregious surprise medical bills and ensures fair, not inflationary, payment to out-of-network providers.

Mon, October, 18th, 2021

On October 18, Families USA Action led nearly 20 organizations in submitting comments to the administration on the notice of proposed rulemaking that will help implement the landmark No Surprises Act, "Requirements Related to Air Ambulance Services, Agent and Broker Disclosures, and Provider Enforcement."

Tue, September, 7th, 2021

Families USA Action led 27 organizations in submitting comments to the administration on the first set of rulemaking that will implement the landmark No Surprises Act. The letter was signed by national, state, and regional organizations representing patients and consumers who have been plagued by the uncertainty and financial burden of surprise medical bills.

Tue, June, 8th, 2021

In order to ensure that the No Surprises Act is implemented in a way that protects patients and lowers health care costs, nearly 50 organizations representing consumers, employers, patients, and workers have sent the attached letter to the Biden administration.

Mon, November, 30th, 2020

This letter was signed by 63 national, state, and regional organizations, including some members of the No Surprises coalition, imploring Congress to pass a comprehensive solution to surprise medical billing before the end of this Congress. For the first time, health care consumer and labor groups have joined on the same letter with employers and purchasers in making this simple ask to Congress…keep your promise to protect patients from surprise bills.

Thu, September, 17th, 2020

Members of No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills were joined by leading organizations representing patients, consumers, health equity stakeholders, small businesses, children and families in sending the attached letter to Congressional leadership, urging immediate action to provide consumers protection from surprise medical bills.

Thu, July, 16th, 2020

Members of No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills, representing patients, consumers, and workers, are calling for an overdue end to surprise medical bills in the next pandemic relief legislation. Unanticipated health care costs, like surprise medical bills, financially devastate families and create a chilling effect on the willingness and ability of families to seek screening and treatment.

Wed, April, 22nd, 2020

Member organizations of No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills, representing patients, consumers, and workers, sent this letter to policymakers on Capitol Hill, urging them to protect families from further financial uncertainty as they seek health care services by banning surprise out-of-network bills in the next novel coronavirus (COVID-19) response.

Wed, February, 26th, 2020

Undersigned members of No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills sent this letter to committee leaders on Capitol Hill who are negotiating a deal to address surprise medical bills. As the committees come together to negotiate a final bill, we urge them to place the needs of families before health care special interest groups and swiftly act to finalize and advance compromise legislation.

Tue, February, 11th, 2020

Members of the No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills, sent this letter to Capitol Hill in advance of committee consideration of legislation by the Education and Labor and Ways and Means Committees. No Surprises urges members to advance legislation that finally stops the heinous practice of surprise billing, protects consumers across all health plans and provider settings, and holds health care costs down.

Tue, November, 12th, 2019

Members of the No Surprises Campaign were joined by over 50 allied organizations in signing this letter calling on Congress to pass comprehensive legislation to ban surprise billing by the end of the year.

Thu, September, 26th, 2019

Families USA and 17 other consumer groups sent a letter to the House of Representatives urging passage of surprise bill legislation that fully protects consumers while preventing inflation in health care costs. The letter articulates key principles, including that a payment mechanism between insurers and providers should not be based on or factor in providers’ billed charges. 

Thu, September, 26th, 2019

Families USA sent this letter to Capitol Hill offering support for legislation to end “surprise billing,” along with specific recommendations for lawmakers as they consider legislation this fall. Specifically, the letter makes clear our preference for a straightforward, market-based benchmark payment mechanism to ensure fair payment for out-of-network bills. It also includes our policy recommendations for a situation in which lawmakers include an arbitration process as part of a payment mechanism.

Stay Up To Date

Now that the No Surprises Act protections are in effect, we continue to provide resources about the statute. See our resources tab to learn more about the new law and our efforts to keep it strong for consumers. You can also visit the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ website on the law for more  information:

Contact the No Surprises Campaign

Jane Sheehan, Director of Federal Relations

© No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills 2024

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