Consumer Comments on No Surprises Act Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – Enforcement and Air Ambulance
Mon, October, 18th, 2021
On October 18, Families USA Action led nearly 20 organizations in submitting comments to the administration on the notice of proposed rulemaking that will help implement the landmark No Surprises Act, “Requirements Related to Air Ambulance Services, Agent and Broker Disclosures, and Provider Enforcement.” The letter was signed by national, state, and regional organizations representing patients and consumers who have been plagued by the uncertainty and financial burden of surprise medical bills.
Surprise medical bills have plagued consumers for decades and have left families on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars for bills they had no way to avoid and are often unable to pay. Finally, starting January 1, consumers will have peace of mind that they will not be subject to egregious out-of-network balance bills when they’re seeking emergency care or non-emergency care in many situations, including air ambulance.
Read the letter here.