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Consumers, Patients, Workers, and Employers Urge Administration to Keep Surprise Billing Protections Strong

Mon, April, 11th, 2022

Families USA and nearly 70 other organizations representing consumers, patients, workers, and employers sent the attached letter to the Biden administration expressing concern about recent lawsuits that seek to weaken the landmark No Surprises Act.


Specifically, the stakeholders are concerned with the recent ruling in Texas Medical Association v. the United States Department of Health and Human Services, which puts the interests of some select providers and their private equity allies over those of patients, consumers and families.


By removing important guardrails from the payment dispute resolution (IDR) process, it increases the risk that providers will try to obtain higher, inflated rates, leading to increased health care costs and higher premiums for consumers.


The letter signers strongly encourage the administration to defend and implement the No Surprises Act in a way that protects consumers from exploitation, reduces health care costs, and adheres to the intent of the law as it was written.


Click here to read the Letter.

Stay Up To Date

Now that the No Surprises Act protections are in effect, we continue to provide resources about the statute. See our resources tab to learn more about the new law and our efforts to keep it strong for consumers. You can also visit the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ website on the law for more  information:

Contact the No Surprises Campaign

Jane Sheehan, Director of Federal Relations

© No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills 2024

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