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Consumers, Workers, and Patients Thank Administration for Strong No Surprises Act Regulations

Mon, October, 25th, 2021

This week, Families USA Action, AFL-CIO, and U.S. PIRG sent the attached letter to the secretaries of Health, Labor, and Treasury, praising the administration for faithfully implementing the bipartisan No Surprises Act with rulemaking that both protects patients from the out-of-pocket costs of egregious surprise medical bills and ensures fair, not inflationary, payment to out-of-network providers to keep costs down.


The No Surprises Act is a landmark law that will ban the predatory practice of surprise medical billing in most emergency and non-emergency situations starting Jan. 1, 2022. Federal rule-makers recently published strong regulations that implement the law in a way consistent with Congressional intent; it critically takes consumers out of industry disputes that previously saddled them with unconscionable surprise bills, and it will further provide families with financial security by reining in industry abuses that lead to high premiums and out of pocket health care costs.


Click here to read the Letter.

Stay Up To Date

Now that the No Surprises Act protections are in effect, we continue to provide resources about the statute. See our resources tab to learn more about the new law and our efforts to keep it strong for consumers. You can also visit the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ website on the law for more  information:

Contact the No Surprises Campaign

Jane Sheehan, Director of Federal Relations

© No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills 2024

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