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No Surprises Coalition Letter to Committee Leadership

Wed, February, 26th, 2020

Undersigned members of No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills sent this letter to committee leaders on Capitol Hill who are negotiating a deal to address surprise medical bills. As the committees come together to negotiate a final bill, we urge them to place the needs of families before health care special interest groups and swiftly act to finalize and advance compromise legislation that finally stops the heinous practice of surprise billing, protects consumers across all health plans and provider settings, and holds health care costs down. Specific recommendations: include a fair, market-based benchmark payment; address air ambulance; insure robust guardrails around any arbitration, and require private equity transparency.


Read the letter.

Stay Up To Date

Now that the No Surprises Act protections are in effect, we continue to provide resources about the statute. See our resources tab to learn more about the new law and our efforts to keep it strong for consumers. You can also visit the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ website on the law for more  information:

Contact the No Surprises Campaign

Jane Sheehan, Director of Federal Relations

© No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills 2024

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